
Frequently Asked Questions for Families

Frequently Asked Questions for Families
Posted on 12/18/2023
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Secrest Elementary School
Frequently Asked Questions for Families

 Topic Information 
Start Times, Breakfast and Daycare  

AM Daycare starting at 6:30 am- Your Kids Place

Breakfast starting at 7:15 am

School Day 7:45 am-2:35 pm

PM Daycare until 6:00 pm- Your Kids Place

Arrival and Dismissal

Teachers greet their students each morning at their classroom doors (outside), from 7:45-7:50. If your student is not tardy, they will line up outside of their classroom door and be welcomed by their teacher.

At the end of the day 1st and 2nd grade students are dismissed through the main entrance at the front of the school. 3-5 is dismissed through classroom doors and PK and K are released to family or siblings at their classroom doors. 

When does the tardy bell ring? Tardy Bell: 7:50: If your student is arriving to school after the tardy bell has rang, they must enter through the front doors to receive a tardy pass before heading to class or to get breakfast.

How/When do I register my student for next year?
All families use Enroll Jeffco to submit an application.  The first enrollment window begins in December.  Priority is given to students who live in our attendance area or who have been affected by school closures and consolidations.

Do you offer any after-school activities?
Our PTA sponsors clubs throughout the year (Lego, Mad Science, STEM) and we offer soccer in the fall and the spring.
Will busing be available?
 For students who live in our attendance area, but outside of a 1 mile radius from the school, or across Wadsworth in the former Peck area, you can register for bus service through the North Bus Terminal..  If you are choice enrolled at Secrest and live outside of our attendance boundary, district transportation is not provided and becomes the responsibility of the family.
Title 1 School
 Secrest is a Title 1 school for the 23-24 school year.  Around 65% of our families qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch programs.  This percentage affords our school additional staffing and funding to best meet the needs of our students.

FAQ for Families - Spanish